Millions of eligible couples haven't claimed. Don't Miss Out On Marriage Allowance.
If you’re married or in a civil partnership, you may be entitled to a £1,250 tax break called marriage tax allowance – something 2.4 million qualifying couples miss out on. Check NOW whether you’re eligible!

How Much Can I Claim?
If you’re married or in a civil partnership, you may be entitled to a £1,250 tax break called marriage tax allowance – something 2.4 million qualifying couples miss out on. Check whether you’re eligible and how much you can claim.

Am I Eligible?
Your eligibility for Marriage Allowance is based around both you, and your partners income – if one of you had an income below your Personal Allowance (usually £12,500) is is highly likely you could be entitled to the allowance.

How Does It Work?
To benefit from the marriage allowance, the lower earner must apply to Marriage Allowance Benefit to request any unused personal allowance can be transferred to their spouse. If this hasn’t previously been claimed, you could be entitled to a rebate.