Can I Still Claim PPI?
On the 29th of August, 2019 the deadline for claiming PPI passed for most people. But not for everyone. There are still some cases where you can still claim PPI. Most notably as a Plevin claim. If you’re wondering ‘can I still claim PPI’ read on to find out if the Plevin claim applies to you.
What is Plevin?
The Plevin ruling makes it possible for thousands of more people to make successful claims. According to Mrs Mummy Penny, “Plevin refers to Mrs Plevin, who brought a PPI claim to Paragon Personal Finance. A staggering 71% of Mrs Plevin’s PPI sale was a commission. In 2014, a landmark ruling by the Supreme Court deemed that this was also a form of mis-selling and, as such, Mrs Plevin won her PPI case.”
So, now any PPI policy where more than 50% was commission can qualify for a new or resubmitted claim. However, if you’ve been repaid PPI before, you’ll not be permitted to claim again.
How do I qualify for a Plevin claim on PPI?
According to MSE you can claim if you have, “Loans, credit cards or other kinds of credit agreements (excluding mortgages) are covered if the agreement started before 6 April 2007 and was still going on 6 April 2008. They are also covered if you took an agreement out on or after 6 April 2007.”
There is no deadline to submit this claim and you simply need to prove you had been sold PPI (as in most cases commission was not disclosed and upwards of 50%). You’ll need to get together all your financial statements and agreements for the period for the claim.
You can even claim if you willingly chose PPI and used it (for example, in the case of illness) because the commissions were often not disclosed.
How to file a Plevin claim
Here’s where it gets tough. First, you’ll need to make sure you don’t have a standard PPI claim for misselling that was unfairly rejected. If you do, you’ll want to take this to the ombudsman or small claims court first. It’s recommended you seek help as this can be a long process. We’re here to help you if you need it.
If you don’t have a standard claim, and you’ve not been repaid in the past, check if your claim had commission applied. Your financial statements should show this. If not, you can request further documentation from your financial institution. Then you’ll submit your proof with your claim to your bank or lender for a refund on any commissions over 50%.
As we said previously, this is often a long process, so we recommend getting expert help.
Why is this different from a standard PPI claim?
Well, for one, you can apply under the Plevin rule even if your PPI claim was previously rejected. And it’s not time-sensitive. In fact, there’s currently no final claims date on a Plevin claim. According to The Claims Guys, “Whilst a Plevin PPI Claim is made in respect of the sale of a PPI policy, the basis of the Claim is different to a Mis-sold PPI Claim.
A Plevin PPI Claim does not consider whether the PPI policy was suitable, instead we examine whether your Lender failed to disclose high-level commission payments they earned from your PPI premiums, making the relationship unfair.” If they didn’t tell you they were charging a big commission, you’re likely due a payout.
How much could you get on a Plevin claim?
Since most people were charged a commission of 67% and the ruling states that 50% or more is unfair, you’d be entitled to the difference. So on a £5,000 loan over 2.5 years, your Plevin repayment would be around £250. Plus, you may also get the interest plus 8% on top.
Also, it’s important to note that if you receive an unsolicited Plevin offer with a rejected PPI misselling claim or as a standalone offer, do the maths. Don’t accept it immediately as your bank may not be acting in good faith. They may in fact be trying to get out of paying a PPI misselling claim by offering you Plevin compensation instead.