Reference Number YESNo
Address Line 2 City* Postcode* Telephone Number*
Email Address*
Address history is essential for us to verify your identity. Please let us know any other addresses that you have resided at within the last 10 years.
Do you know which Banks/Lenders paid compensation to you directly or were the claims handled by an Insolvency Practitioner? *
I know the details of the claimsAn Insolvency Practitioner completed the claims and I do not have the details.
Tick here if you were self-employed in the year you received your refund
Please click 'next' to proceed to complete the relevant claim form(s).
Employment Status Confirmation HM Revenue & Customs calculates rebates on a sliding scale based on your income and employment circumstances.
Please provide the following information as accurately as possible. Since April 2017, have you been Employed, Self-Employed, Unemployed or Retired? *
I still work here * YesNo
Note: HMRC do not require receipts of expenses for this allowance. Have you worked from home (for any length of time) between 6th April 2020 and 5th April 2021 due to COVID-19? *
Did your employer reimburse you for working from home costs? * YESNO
If you are married, you could be entitled to a rebate of up to £1188 depending upon your individual income circumstances.
Note: If our eligibility check identifies that you are eligible, we recommend it is claimed in conjunction with your current repayment claim - ensuring you are on the correct tax code for future tax years. Are you married *
Note: If our eligibility check identifies that you are eligible, we recommend it is claimed in conjunction with your current repayment claim - ensuring you are on the correct tax code for future tax years. Are you married * 2017/20182018/20192019/20202020/2021
Are you claiming Marriage Allowance? *
Have you earned more or less than £12,570 in any of the past 4 years (since April 2017) *
Consent & Processing Agreement Confirmation I/We agree to have our data processed for the purpose of processing a rebate rebate attributed to my/our tax affairs. Additionally, I/We can confirm that all of the information I/We have included in our application is true to the best of our knowledge and I/We understand and agree to the terms of engagement.
Enter National Insurance Number * Date of Birth *
Sign as acceptance of terms and conditions