Employed in the Last 4 Years?

2 in 3 PAYE employees are due a tax rebate due to unclaimed allowances – which are not given to you automatically.

How much can I claim?
How Much Can I Claim?

The amount you’re able to claim tax relief on depends on your industry and the type of expense you are claiming for, such as flat-rate expenses. Most people can claim back for the past four years, to April 2017.

Am I Eligible?

Your eligibility for a Workplace Expenses Rebate is subject to numerous factors, such as whether you wear a uniform at work, have worked from home due to Covid-19, are a member of a trade union or started a new job within the last 4 years.

How Does It Work?

To benefit from a Workplace Expenses Rebate, an application must be made to HM Revenue & Customs – following which your claim will be reviewed by a HMRC officer to ascertain your eligibility and process a rebate.